DTI-Abra recorded P123, 610.00 total sales on the first day of the Dapil Festival Trade Fair 2019 (February 19, 2019) from the participating Small Medium Entrepreneurs.
Here is the breakdown of sales from each sector:
- Furniture – P99,000.00
- Processed Food – P7,960.00
- Handicraft – P6,360.00
- Loom weaving – P7,600.00
- Others (novelties/souvenir items) – 2,690.00
This trade fair showcases Abra products like muscovado, balikutsa, vinegar, sugar cane wine, chichacorn, veggie noodles, and cassava including herbal and traditional products, furniture, bamboo furnishings, and loom weaving products from 43 participating SMEs of Abra.