Province of Abra
Abra was created as a politico-military province in 1846, prior to which was part of the old Ilocos Province and later Ilocos Sur when Ilocos Region was divided into two provinces in 1818. Civil government was established in Abra on August 19, 1901, but was re-annexed to Ilocos Sur in February 1905. Abra remained a sub-province in 12 years, regaining its status as a province only after the passage of Act 2683 in March 1917.
Agriculture is the main economic activity of the province. Horses, which the province is known for in the Cordilleras and Northern Luzon, were a major mode of transportation during the Spanish period. The Abra River is widely utilized as a means of traversing and travelling in and out of the province.
When the Spaniards came, missionary work was done in Abra by the Augustinian Order who founded the town of Bangued in 1898. The priests also made extensive studies of the culture of the indigenous people of Abra
The Abreños actively participated in the national uprising in the 18th century. During the middle part of 1899, a revolutionary government was set-up in Abra through the leadership of Don Blas Villamor. Leocadio Valera became the Provincial Governor until Abra fell into the American Civil Government established on August 19, 1909
During the Japanese occupation, a subversive guerrilla organization was formed to resist the intruders. Like any other place, the province was heavily damaged during the 2nd World War. Industries and properties were adversely affected. When the Americans took over the war, a new system of government was introduced and substancial changes in social, religious, political and economic life of the people took place.