The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in partnership with the Journalist of Abra for Truth and Transparency (HUJATT) conducted the Kapihan sa Abra on November 20, 2018, where Education Specialist Jan Nowel Peña and Principal I Stanley P. Millare discussed the programs, mandates, and activities of the Department of Education.
During the Kapihan sa Abra, Peña said DepEd-Abra believes that if schools implement the Three Mantras (access, quality, and governance), the division will be able to achieve sustainable development in basic education.
Peña also cited activities of the division such as the eco-brick caravan which inculcates to stakeholders, educators, and students the importance of preserving mother nature.
He also said that DepEd-Abra with the Provincial Government of Abra (PGA) is preparing for the 2019 Cordillera Administrative Region Athletic Association (CARAA) Meet which will be held in Apayao in February 2019.
The division is also working on the preparation for the Regional Schools Press Conference on December 4-7, 2018, which will be held in Baguio City.