Abra Local Environment and Natural Resources Officers team up to protect Abra environment
January 11, 2019 abranewsdesk Releases

The Abra Local Environment and Natural Resources Officers from the different municipalities attended the organizational meeting this morning (January 11, 2019) to strengthen the implementation of environmental development programs in our province. Environment and Natural Resources Officer (ENRO) Abra Cris Albolote gave an orientation about their mandates and policies for the protection and conservation of… Read more »
Abra Local Environment and Natural Resources Officers Bucay Bucloc Cris Albolote environment like enforcement of pollution control environmental management system implementation of solid waste disposal program Lagayan Licuan-Baay Luba Malibcong Manabo Pilar Tayum Tineg Villaviciosa
December 13, 2017 abradeskcms Releases

HAPPENING NOW: DSWD with the Philippine Veterans Bank process the payout today for the Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries from Pilar, Langiden, La Paz, Tayum, San Quintin, San Isidro, Pidigan, Danglas, Bangued, Villaviciosa, Bucay, Lagayan, and Peñarrubia at the Bangued Plaza Covered Court. #asensoabreño #pantawidpamilya
4Ps Bangued Bangued Covered Court Bangued Plaza Bangued Plaza Covered Court Bucay Danglas Department of Social Welfare and Development DSWD La Paz Lagayan Langiden Pantawid Pamilya Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries Pantawid Pamilya Payout Pantawid Pamilya Payout Schedule Payout Peñarrubia Philippine Veterans Bank Pidigan Pilar San Isidro San Quintin Tayum Villaviciosa