Seal Symbolism
Farm Land, represent the main source of income of the people of Daguioman.
Mountain, symbolizes unity among the people.
Deer, symbolizes the town’s peace loving people.
Trees, represents the ecosystem forest with a giant tree which Daguioman is dearly proud of, and which is a source of livelihood to many.
History and Government
The people of Daguioman belong to a cultural tribe called “Tinguians”, a word derived from Malay term “Ingue”, which means mountain. Hence, to be a Tingguian is to be a man of the mountains. Traditionally, the Tinguans referred to as non Christian tribes. Today, this no longer holds true as many of them have already embraced the Christian faith. It is therefore more accurate to refer to the Tinguans as indigenouspeople living in the mountains of Abrairrespective of heir religious persuasion or affiliation.
The Tinguians are of average Filipino height, generally measuring 5 feet and 4 inches. They have a well built athletic figure with impressive sturdy features. Their hair is glossy dark, generally straight but at slightly wavy. Their foreheads elevated, nose aquiline, prominent and complexion varies from light to dark-reddish brown. Traditionally, they wear g-strings. Women wear characteristic bands on their forearms up to their elbows and around their heads – a mark of beauty among them. They go about their chores bare-chested.
The present day Tingguians, however, have already abandoned traditional g-string attire among men and the bared-chested outlook among, in favor of the full attire of the lowlanders.
The Tinguians are a peaceful tribe and well-disposed to other people. They are now living in well-organized communities scattered all over the mountain ranges of Abra with concentration on the eastern slopes of the Ilocos mountains, the banks of the Abra river pushing their way to the northeast and southern corners of the province. They were traditionally grouped into tribes, a kind of political subdivision of the indigenous people. These small settlements of the various ethnic groups were erroneously referred to by the Spaniards as negrito villages.
For their origin, it is believed that the Tinguians came with the first wave of the last Asian immigrants through the western coast of Borneo. They settled on the fertile valleys and plains of Abra long before the coming of Spaniards. Certain circumstances inimical to their interest and lifestyle forced the Tinguians to move up to the mountains and hinterlands. They were irritated by the Spaniards way or method of converting them to Roman Catholics. Worse, they were driven out by the so-called more highly cultured lowlanders.
They sought refuge and haven in the interior fastnesses where they continue their own lifestyles, fortifying themselves with their ancestral traditions and practices. Many of them significantly influenced their way of thinking and ways of life. For many years, they practiced and persisted on their way of life, characterized by timidity, illiteracy and simplicity dictated by the Requirements of their environment which were both hostile and friendly at the same time.
Daguioman has 4 barangays, namely: Ableg, Cabaruyan, Pikek and Tui (Poblacion).
Its Land
Daguioman is located on the northeasthern part of the province of Abra. Passing through the Bangued-Bucay route, it is about 56.8km from the capital town of Bangued. While taking the route of Lamunan, It is about 116km. from Bangued.
Among its boundaries, Daguioman is bounded on the north by the municipalities of Licuan-Baay and Malibcong, on the west by the municipalities of Bucloc and Sallapadan, on the east by the mountain ranges of the province of Kalinga and on the south by the municipality of Boliney.