177 severely malnourished pregnant mothers and children participated in the Nutrition Summit conducted by National Nutrition Council, PGA, and DOH at the Provincial Capitol Social Hall on November 26, 2019.
The summit will provide awareness and educate people on proper nutrition. Dr. Antonio Valera of Provincial Health Office (PHO) said, the summit will provide awareness and educate people on proper nutrition.It was also an opportunity for the PHO to assess how much Human Resources for Health (HRH) have done in their municipalities.
At the event, they provided services such as free consultations, laboratory tests, and dental check-ups for the beneficiaries who came from the different municipalities of Abra.
Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator Rita D. Papey said tests are conducted in order to check if the mother and child have other health problems. According to her, medicines and multivitamins, as well as groceries were also given to the beneficiaries.
During the evaluation, it was confirmed that cases of stunted growth and malnourishment in children are high.. Department of Health Team Leader Dr. Alex Bayubay, appealed to everyone to do their job to curb cases of malnutrition in the province. He said that the department will launch training programs for mothers to address malnutrition in the family. The team also planned to have the nutrition summit annually to get more updates from HRH.